Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today is my mom's birthday. Like so many other people, I think my mom is the best! She means the world to me. As the mother of 13 children, she made many sacrifices to get through 40+ years of child rearing. There are 24 years between my oldest sister and youngest brother. In honor of my mom's birthday, I am sharing with you the piece I wrote for her 75th birthday two years ago. The morning of her birthday, I woke up and wanted to write her a little message of sentiment, and this is what I came up with:

The Best Mom

When I was growing up, I had the best mom that there was,

I didn’t often tell her, but I loved her just because….

She nurtured me from a small babe, with gentle tenderness,

And being one of thirteen kids didn’t make her love me less.

For somewhere from inside her heart came a fountain overflowing,

With love, faith, strength, and wisdom; seemingly, ever knowing.

She sustained us all through lean times, with sacrifice and thrift,

But gave of herself freely, that was her greatest gift.

She sung her songs so sweetly, the ditties that to this day stick,

Like “A You’re Adorable,” “Mairzy Doats,” and the humorous “Chickory Chick.”

Learning and reading were encouraged, and the time she always took,

To assist me with my school work, or to read from a favorite book.

She cooked, she cleaned, she worked so hard, late into every night,

Yet was busy making breakfast at the crack of the new dawn’s light.

She took the time to listen, and accepted me for who I was,

She expected the best, which I didn’t always give, but she loved me just because.

I wasn’t often well behaved, I broke a lot of rules,

But somehow when I grew up, she’d lent to me her tools.

I learned that hard work wouldn’t hurt you, and often times it pays,

Not always in monetary dividends, but always in fulfilled days.

I passed along the songs and stories, to my children and others too,

And though my voice is not as sweet, a piece of her comes through.

I’ve borrowed her passion for children; I use it every day,

To share the love and nurturing I received along the way.

I’m not as good at sacrifice and my patience sometimes slips,

Sometimes letting unkind words pass between my lips.

As I cuddled my small children, or struggled through their teenage years,

I often thought of my mom’s way of handling troubles, fears, and tears.

And even though I’m all grown up and living far away,

I wonder with every choice I make, what my dear Mom would say.

I pray to God that He will guide me as my Mother always did,

When I was growing up as a baker’s dozen kid.


To my MOM, on this day, celebrating seventy five years of living,

Thank you for being the Best Mom, and for your years and years of giving.

Since I wrote this on the quick the morning of her big day, I didn't get time to "properly edit," but I left it in its original form for what it meant to her. It is a piece that tells alot about the wonderful person she is and the unconditional love she gave. Though she doesn't read my blog, I'll give a shout out anyway:

Happy 77th Birthday Mom! I love you just because!

1 comment:

grousy said...

Ah Geez! How do you do it??? Always so nicely put and TRUE! Anyone that doesn't know our Mom personally, must surely feel the love, reality, sense of great mothering from your poem. Oh Gawd! Crying again...