Monday, May 24, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

A couple months ago, my niece posted on her Facebook wall that the person in front of her had paid for her lunch. It surprised her and of course lifted her mood.

I have made many kind gestures over the years, but I had never bought lunch for a total stranger. Shortly after my niece's experience, I had my opportunity. As I pulled up to the drive through window, I asked to pay for the lunch of the fellow behind me. That brought a big smile to the attendant. It brought a look of surprise to my husband's face (since we had just ordered from the value menu because we were cash weary). As we drove away, I explained my reasoning. I must say, the feeling I got stayed with me and was well worth the few extra dollars I spent.

I have been on a mission since then to find a way to display intentional kindness on a frequent basis. My hope is that someday, it will just be ingrained...second nature. Most of the time it is just taking the time to greet a stranger, hold a door, or offer a hand with a bag of groceries. Sometimes it is a compliment. A word of reassurance to a struggling parent (in place of the easier judmental behavior) is most often a welcome change for him or her. I recently bought a gift card to send anonymously to an elderly woman who mentioned in passing one day, that coming to the post office is not fun, because it only results in bills, nothing more. When I was out perusing garage sales in Wabasha on May Day, I presented a little boy running a Kool-Aid stand a treat filled May Basket. He was pretty pumped that I bought Kool-Aid AND gave him a treat. I will likely never see this boy again, but I will remember his joyful excitement and smile forever. Something as simple as cutting my hair for Locks of Love brings a euphoria, as well as an important gift to someone I'll never know.

Sometimes the gestures are for family or friends or neighbors, just something simple and unexpected, but the feeling for both the giver and reciever is far from simple! It amazes me how grateful people are when you take a few minutes to drop off an unexpected treat or "treasure perfectly suited to them," even when said treasure was purchased second hand or something you no longer have a use for. Other times it is just a bit of human compassion between two strangers, so that when we move along our daily path, we have brought the world a bit closer together.

I did not write this today to bring attention to what I've done, but rather, to invite my readers to also partake in this rewarding actvity. I attended a presentation once in which it was explained that the euphoria you get from giving without the expectation of a return gesture is comparable to a "runner's high." Since you won't find me running in a marathon any time soon, I'll just keep up with the random acts of kindness to capture my highs.

If you aren't already doing this (I know some of you are), I hope you'll join me. Perhaps our conjoined efforts will make our little corners of the world kinder & gentler. Please feel free to leave a comment on something you've done or any ideas you have or have heard of that are inexpensive ways to reach out and make a difference in someone else's day!

It truly is better to give than receive!